Egyptian Wonderful Pomegranates, a wonderful taste you will never resist.

Fresh Zone would like to announce for starting of a new season for Egyptian wonderful pomegranates which is very rich with a sweet taste, bloody juicy seeds, crushed flavor, and the best combination of sour and sweet taste.

Egyptian Wonderful Pomegranates

Egyptian wonderful Pomegranate has a citrus taste and is very juicy, There are lots of drinks and even foods that are prepared with pomegranate fruit.

Egyptian Pomegranates Fruit have a favorable effect on strokes and heart disease as it helps in lowering bad cholesterol, It helps to prevent premature aging as they help in slowing down the formation of wrinkles in one’s skin.

our Sizes are available from 200 gm up to 650 gm per piece Egyptian Pomegranates Packing will be as below

  • open cartons (open top) weighing 5 kg and each carton contain (6 to 14 fruits).
  • plastic containers weighing 5, 9, or 20 kg.

So contact us now to enjoy our quality and competitive offers ..

Fresh Egyptian Pomegranates are now permitted officially gain access to the Chinese market
Egyptian pomegranates

Egyptian pomegranates joined the growing list of fresh fruits permitted to be imported into China from August 2022.

The announcement from the General Administration of Customs of China laid out the relevant phytosanitary and quality requirements that growers, packers, and exporters in Egypt must follow for their pomegranates to qualify for import into China.

Among these is a cold treatment requirement. Fruit must be stored with a core temperature of 1.67 degrees Celsius or below for more than 16 days or 2.22 degrees Celsius or below for more than 18 days.

The announcement also lists eight pests of concern, including the Mediterranean fruit fly, the common guava blue (Deudorix isocrates) and the locust bean moth (Ectomyelois ceratoniae). Aside from cold treatment, producers must also follow a series of sorting and cleaning steps that are relatively boilerplate for exported fruit. Orchards, packing facilities, and cold storage and cold treatment facilities must furthermore be registered with the Central Administration of Plant Quarantine under Egypt’s Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation, as well as being approved by the GACC. The Central Administration of Plant Quarantine is required to conduct sampling inspections of pomegranates bound for China to check for the presence of pests of concern.

Egyptian pomegranate exports reached 247,000 metric tons last season and are expected to remain at a similar level this season. The harvest takes place during August to October and consists mainly of three varieties: the early-ripening Baladi and Early 116 varieties and the middle- to late-season Wonderful variety. Demand for Egyptian pomegranates in overseas markets has reportedly increased in recent years as COVID-19 spurred many consumers around the world to try to live healthier lifestyles and eat a more nutritious diet.

Since July, China has also opened its market up to Zimbabwean citrusEcuadorian dragon fruit and Vietnamese durians. Market access is also anticipated to be granted soon for Cambodian longans.

This article was translated from Chinese. Read the original article.

Source Produce Report

Egyptian Fresh Dates , Delish taste from Egyptian desert . new crop is ready to export

Egypt Considered one of the top Fresh Dates producers among worldwide origins, with a total of 1.5 million tons annually

fresh dates

Fresh Dates are one of the oldest tree crops from the Middle East, as its back to more than 5000 years ago.

Ancient date pits have been found during archeological digs and palm trunks have been used to construct ancient temples, Fresh Dates were a popular and important source of food for the Middle Eastern people because they dried and stored well, were light, and were satisfying and delicious.

A new season of Egyptian Fresh Dates is ready from new crop of 2022 while We offer premium high-quality fresh Dates from our farms including many varieties such as below

Egyptian Crimson Grapes, Common Variety but Different taste with exclusive quality
Egyptian Crimson Grapes

Our New Challenge on the New season of Egyptian Crimson Grapes, has succeeded in being loaded with selected quality and professional supervision on harvesting and packing to achieve the desired quality by our customers and market preferences.

egyptian crimson grapes

The Exclusive quality of our Egyptian Crimson Grapes comes from the trees and our supervision from our quality team who expend all their experiences that must meet world market preferences of premium quality for Egyptian Crimson Grapes.

egyptian crimson Grapes

Then the Packing team’s mission comes to follow up the main aim of our unit is to satisfy our new and existing customers who have the whole experience of selecting and grading the Egyptian Grapes in general and Egyptian Crimson Grapes variety in special to follow up the vary specification for each market.

Egyptian Crimson Grapes packing

The season of Egyptian Crimson Grapes is available till the end of August, so it’s your time now to select the supplier who has the ability to provide you with the right quality which helps you to follow market preferences.

Egyptian Crimson Grapes