Egyptian Pomegranates

Egyptian Pomegranates

Egyptian Pomegranate has a citrus taste and is very juicy, There are lots of drinks and even foods that are prepared with pomegranate fruit.

Egyptian Pomegranate has a citrus taste and is very juicy, There are lots of drinks and even foods that are prepared with pomegranate fruit.

Pomegranates Fruit by Fresh Zone , Eat Smarter
Fresh Zone Recommending to Eat smarter

Egyptian Pomegranates Fruit have a favorable effect on strokes and heart disease as it helps in lowering bad cholesterol, It helps to prevent premature aging as they help in slowing down the formation of wrinkles in one’s skin.

The Egyptian Pomegranate tree has beautiful white and red flowers that turn into delicious fruit having a crimson or yellow-reddish color skin called Golnar.

The cover of this Egyptian Pomegranates fruit contains hundreds of bright red or white color water grains. Every grain includes a solid or soft seed according to the quality and variety of the pomegranate.

Pomegranate is a shrub that reaches a height of 6 meters with pendulous branches and thorns in the edges. Its branches and leaves are close to the red color. Its flowers have light red color with a beautiful shape. The fruit is spherical bearing a crown, and its rind has a skinny texture.

The most important types of pomegranates are:

  1. R116: Its size is small to medium and the color is red from the outside.
  2. Baladi Pomegranates: Its size Tend to be small to medium and the color is red from inside and outside.
  3. wonderful Pomegranates:  Sizes tend to be Large while Shap is round with lower defects level 


  • open cartons (open top) weighing 5 kg and each carton contain (6 to 14 fruits).
  • plastic containers weighing 5, 9, or 20 kg.

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