Egyptian Mango

Egyptian Mango

Egyptian Fresh mango by Fresh Zone, An ancient fruit and arguably the most popular in many parts of the world, mangos are in the same family of plants as pistachios and cashews, which are also tropical, fruit-bearing trees that can grow up to 100 feet in height.

Egyptian Fresh mango by Fresh Zone, An ancient fruit and arguably the most popular in many parts of the world, mangos are in the same family of plants as pistachios and cashews, which are also tropical, fruit-bearing trees that can grow up to 100 feet in height.

Oval in shape and around five inches long, mangos are heavy because of the single, large seed or stone in the middle, which makes them a drupe.

Egyptian Mango

Egyptian fresh mango is one of the most nutritionally rich fruit with a distinctive flavor, smell, and taste, that’s why, Egyptian mango is a unique fruit, with a tropical delicacy with no equal.

One cup of mangos has 100 calories. The exact amount provides 100% of your daily vitamin C recommendation for promoting healthy immune function and collagen formation, and 35% of your vitamin A, essential for vision, bone growth, and maintaining healthy mucous membranes and skin – plus, clinical studies show it to help protect your body from lung and mouth cancers.

Egyptian Fresh Mango by Fresh Zone

Besides having more than 20 different vitamins and minerals, mangos contain flavonoids like beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, and beta-cryptoxanthin, which help vitamin A impart antioxidant strength and vision-protecting properties, maintaining healthy mucous membranes and skin.

Mango Description


  • small : 6-7-8 Pcs/kg
  • Medium : 4-5 Pcs / kg
  • large : 2-3 Pcs / kg


the standard packing is a 5 KG open-top carton

  • 171 carton box/ pallet
  • 20 Pallets / Container
  • 12 ton / container
  • 3420 boxes/ Container /17 ton


June, July , August, September, and October

Fresh Zone offers a wide range of Mangoes Varieties as below

Variety: Keitt Mango (Keit)

Variety: Naomi Mango

Variety: Zebdia Mango

Variety: Tommy Mango ( Tommy atkins )

one of the most exported varieties due to its strong shelf life and beautiful greenish-red colors  

Variety: Fagr Kelan Mango

Variety: Fons Mango