Egyptian Crimson Grapes, Common Variety but Different taste with exclusive quality

Our New Challenge on the New season of Egyptian Crimson Grapes, has succeeded in being loaded with selected quality and professional supervision on harvesting and packing to achieve the desired quality by our customers and market preferences.

The Exclusive quality of our Egyptian Crimson Grapes comes from the trees and our supervision from our quality team who expend all their experiences that must meet world market preferences of premium quality for Egyptian Crimson Grapes.

Then the Packing team’s mission comes to follow up the main aim of our unit is to satisfy our new and existing customers who have the whole experience of selecting and grading the Egyptian Grapes in general and Egyptian Crimson Grapes variety in special to follow up the vary specification for each market.

The season of Egyptian Crimson Grapes is available till the end of August, so it’s your time now to select the supplier who has the ability to provide you with the right quality which helps you to follow market preferences.